Inspired by the original formula created by the world famous, and revered, Marie Laveau.
Known by other names such as poppets, voodoo dolls, etc., my dolls are made of clay. They are custom made by including personal concerns and adjuncts then, sent to you with instructions
Love Dolls: $145
Cursing Dolls: $175
Two to three times a year for approximately 3 weeks, Mercury goes retrograde and interferes with communication. Others are affected by side effects such as depression, anger, despair, etc. Wear this bag containing crystals that have been ritually cleansed and programmed to enhance communication and ward off these nasty side effects. White Sage for cleansing the crystals included.
Designed in the Hoodoo tradtion to wash away negative engeries while attracting positive energies
32 oz. bottle
Payment must be given at the time that the appointment is made
Readings by phone- $55 for half hour
$90- for one hour
Email readings- $150
What is magical coaching? It is teaching you how to perform a spell in the most proficient manner, teaching you the “whys” and “hows” of magical workings, and, most importantly, teaching you how to be a confident spellcaster!
Payment must be given at the time that the appointment is made
Magical Coaching by phone- $55 for half hour
$90 for one hour
Prices vary on the situation. They are disclosed to you following a reading. It is my preference that clients attempt their own spellwork prior to seeking the assistance of a spellcaster because your personal desires and intent contain more energy than that of any spellcaster. However, here are the services that I do offer:
Protection Spells
Spells for Success
Skull Candle Spells
Animal/Pet Health Matters
Cursing and Crossing
Break up Spellwork
This customized spell kit contains what is needed for the eradication ritual cited in my book: "Hoodoo Cleansing and Protection Magic". All you supply is ammonia, a mop and a bucket. It is a 13-day ritual so, be prepared to work!
Prior to making an appointment for mediumship, you MUST tell me in advance that you are seeking to speak to a deceased Spirit.
Communication with the deceased is both emotionally and physically taxing for me. Therefore, these sessions are only scheduled for ½ hour: no more, no less. The sessions are focused on attempting to contact only one Spirit. I do not integrate psychic readings or magical coaching with mediumship, unless an entity has contacted me first.
Furthermore, unless an entity is restless and attempting communication, I will not, under any circumstances, contact a Spirit who has been deceased for less than a year.
Payment must be given at the time that the appointment is made
One half hour sessions only- $55
*Spells are NOT guaranteed to work, BUT they can increase your chances of success in matters of concern.
This spell kit is designed, in the Christian faith, to bust down walls that are in your way then, clear and open the paths to new opportunities. Please be advised that you will be working with St. Peter.
Magical bags, custom made for you in the Hoodoo tradition, to assist you with an array of needs or desires. Prices depend on the intent of the bag
This bath contains herbs and minerals to cleanse your aura of negativity. Price includes instructions and the Psalm most frequently prayed while bathing.
Miss Aida
Author Witch Psychic
Psychic Readings
Break-up spells
Success spells
Road Opening spells
Animal/Pet health matters
Why not have the original writer of detailed magical skull work prepare a candle for you? These candles are cleansed, baptized, stuffed, inscribed, anointed and sent to you. They are custom prepared for love, communication, cursing, and breakup spellwork. Once prepared, the skull is mailed to you, so you can perform the spell yourself.
(Prices differ if Miss Aida performs the skull candle spell.)
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